
Protect Yourself from Eruption | The Spectrum

Protect Yourself from Eruption | The Spectrum

If you've ever been confused about bad cholesterol (or LDL), good cholesterol (or HDL), and how they affect your heart, you're not alone. Our medical community continues to research and understand interactions between these different cholesterol types and their role in hardening of the arteries (plaque buildup) and heart attacks (plaque rupture).Read more
Doctors Bring Wealth of Care, Knowledge | The Spectrum

Doctors Bring Wealth of Care, Knowledge | The Spectrum

Rowland is referring to March 30, 1842, when Dr. Crawford W. Long, a young country doctor practicing in Georgia, was the first to administer ether anesthesia to a patient before surgery. March 30 now celebrates not only Long's development of "painless surgery" but also the efforts of doctors today to continually improve patient care and outcomes.Read more
High Blood Pressure Can Cause Serious Problems | The Spectrum

High Blood Pressure Can Cause Serious Problems | The Spectrum

What is high blood pressure? Blood pressure measures the force of circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. It is typically stated in two numbers. The first number, called the systolic pressure, measures the force as the heart contracts. The second number, called diastolic pressure, measures the force when the heart is at rest.Read more
VVMC Opens First Heart County Clinic | The Spectrum

VVMC Opens First Heart County Clinic | The Spectrum

According to hospital administrator Jason Wilson, the Valley View Heart Clinic will provide "general cardiac care, including medical - not surgical - management of most cardiovascular issues, echocardiography, cardiac CT studies, nuclear stress tests, EKG studies, and cardiac rehabilitation."Read more